— Par Hugues Chatelain, président-fondateur — Quel est le véritable impact de votre activité sur la société ? En 30 ans d’expériences au sein de grands groupes, j’ai compris que l’avenir de toutes les entreprises se jouerait sur cette question. C’est aujourd’hui une réalité. Après avoir sacralisé « le produit » jusqu’aux années 1980, puis célébré « le […]
More©Hugues Chatelain – SocietyVision CHE-378.733.097
MoreSocietyVision shows at the ELIA Biennial in Helsinki what can be achieved by linking business, society and art. The association’s collaboration with the Dimitri Art School demonstrates the benefit of art to society: academic art used as an instrument to transform society. From 23 to 26 November 2022, Helsinki is hosting the 17th ELIA (European […]
MoreWhen two environments benefit from eachother with a common goal: to improve their impact on society. This is the story of a partnership between Euromaster Suisse SA & Accademia Dimitri (university affiliated to the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland). What happpens when a company decides to avoid using mainstream marketing tools […]
MoreAre there any other options that could fulfil the task at minor costs and with positive impact on innovation, profitability and societal progress? The answer is a big YES. We are actually very much stuck in a Cartesian way of thinking which quite reproduces the same processes and stick to involve best engineers, best IT-specialists, […]
MoreAs a matter of fact, “charity expenditures” are most likely to be perceived as “Green Washing” or “social washing”. Why have we reached this level of disillusion or fatalism? One answer could be to question the focus on the short-term perspective and on shareholder value. Anyhow, considering actions for the good of society and the […]
MoreMonsieur le Président de la République, Une solution pour rétablir l’équilibre entre finance, Administration publique, économie et société est la défiscalisation de l’investissement sociétal de l’entreprise ! Toute entreprise qui investit 10% et plus de son résultat net opérationnel avant IS dans les actions à but non lucratif ayant un impact positif sur la société […]
MoreAt the CXPA (Customer Experience Professionals Association) conference held in Zürich on October 4th, I presented how meaningfulness could increase the emotional binding of customers or citizen to a brand in the first hand. Many (not to say all…) of customer experience (CX) activities are based on immediate return on investment (ROI) and the main […]
MoreDo you want to take the slot and perform on a rope? We’re talking about a balance performance act. The Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2018 was the occasion to literally show with David Dimitri that sustainable profitability is a matter of balance. To focus on balancing societal and economic goals makes us all progress on […]
MoreThe Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2018 #6th edition ist the occasion to discuss in depth the meaning of sustainable profitability. The innovation Forum #12 questions the possibilities of using performance indicators to measure impacts on society and on environment. ROI ist one tangible indicator but it isn’t sufficient to mesure the impact on society or […]
More“We’re going our path to further increase our impact on society. Our aim is to bring culture and the economy closer together. To this end we’ve chosen to build a new societal model with Society.Vision. The Dimitri-World partnering with a business for a long-term collaboration: this is what we want to achieve”. David Dimitri, Artist […]